We envision living systems of people, space and ecosystem performance.


We envision living systems of people, space and ecosystem performance.

We are happy to share that Klaus K. Loenhart has been awarded with the UNESCO Global Award for Sustainable Architecture. Such an honor for him to be included in this impressive list of admired laureates.

1st prize! - in'a award
awarded! - was ist gut?
throwback! terrain's mur tower featured at the orf

projects / videos

awarded! - was ist gut?
awarded! - was ist gut?

projects / videos

new atmospheres book 3
new atmospheres at architekturgalerie muenchen 

idea lab / atmosphere / exhibitions

klaus klaas loenhart's interview with radio new zealand


nomination dam award 2021
dasein ist co-design
dasein ist co-design

idea lab / academic / lectures exhibitions


quaderns n. 272

architizer a+ awards 2020 finalist!
plant-based cool oases @ un habitat wuf 
Plant-based Cool Oases @ UN Habitat WUF 

making of, atmosphere, by nature, climate, oasis

aotearoa forest table - solo exhibit
aotearoa forest table - solo exhibit

projects /  atmosphere, by nature, climate, oasis

projects /  atmosphere, by nature, climate, oasis

awarded! national design award austria & more
awarded! national design award austria & more
deutsche bauzeitung
deutsche bauzeitung
gruene erde breathing headquarters - grand opening
gruene erde breathing headquarters - grand opening

projects /  atmosphere, by nature, climate, oasis

architektur aktuell
Domus Number 1037
domus number 1037
Grüne erde front page
making of: gruene erde - new headquarters

making of /  atmosphere, by nature, climate, horizon

concept open dubai pavilion
open - dubai pavilion

idea lab /  atmosphere, by nature, climate, oasis

Garden City
garden city
Grüne erde graphic
gruene erde - new headquarters - concept
gruene erde - new headquarters - concept

making of / atmosphere, by nature, climate, horizon

the lovelace - a hotel happening

making of / atmosphere, climate, performance

yoga retreat center
soami yoga retreat center

making of / atmosphere, performance

c3 magazine - korea
c3 magazine - korea
c3 magazine - korea
Grüne Erde New Headquarters - coming soon...
gruene erde - new headquarters - coming soon

making of / atmosphere, by nature, climate, horizon

on atmospheres @harvard
awarded airship
awarded! breathe.austria - austrian pavilion expo milan 2015

projects / atmosphere, performance, by nature, climate, oasis

climatecture - micro climates for macro change

projects / academic / atmosphere, by nature, climate, in-between, performance, systems

zumtobel's take on the austrian pavilion

projects / videos / atmosphere, by nature, climate, oasis


atmosphere, by nature, climate, performance

cover baumeister
baumeister magazine
baumeister magazine
breathe aut concert tour to milan

making of / videos / atmosphere

breathe.austria - austrian pavilion expo milan

projects / atmosphere, by nature, oasis, climate, performance 

united nations fao - world earth day feature

academicvideos / climate, in-between, performance

academicvideos / climate, in-between, performance

breathe austria fashion
team fashion by superated

making of / atmosphere

BEL site photo
bel - administrative headquarter, vaduz

projects / horizon, in-between, systems

KKL lecture politecnico di milano
kkl lecture @politecnico di milano

academic /  lectures exhibitons  /  climate, performance

making of: breathe.austria - austrian pavilion expo milan 2015

making of / atmosphere, climate, oasis, performance, structure

austrian pavilion expo milan 2015
breathe.austria - austrian pavilion expo milan 2015 - concept

making of /academic / projects / atmosphere, by nature, oasis

the horizon - sanya rock
the horizon - sanya rock

projects / atmosphere / by nature, horizon, in-between, islands, oasis

breathe @21haus museum of contemporary art
making of: bel
making of: bel - administrative headquarter, vaduz

making of / atmosphere, structure

arch+ - out of balance

academic / systems

bel vaduz
bel - administrative headquarter, vaduz - concept

projects / making of /atmosphere, horizon, infrastructure, structure

archithese cover
archithese - austria
sam - lookout. architecture with a view

projects / atmosphere, by nature, climate, systems

passing the landscape
passing the landscape - winning project

projects / by nature, horizon, infrastructure, structure

oss ski jump garmisch partenkirchen

projects / structure

aktuelle architektur oberbayern
aktuelle architektur OBB
arc du lac de geneve

projects / in-between, infrastructure, structure

going public
going public
ela cover
gam 07
amc cover
olympia village munich
olympic village munich

projects / atmosphere,  climate

dam jahrbuch
dam jahrbuch
space, twisted with time
space, twisted with time
pin up
pin up
Mikroarchitektur Cover
MARK cover
A5 Architekturwoche München
a5 - architekturwoche münchen
exhibition of styrian architecture awards 2010

lectures exhibitions / atmosphere, horizon, structure

bda preis bayern 2010
bda preis bayern 2010
soziale waerme model photo
ideas competition "soziale waerme" - winning scheme

academic / atmosphere, by nature, performance, systems

sanya zero energy plan
zero energy sanya, china

projects / islands, oasis, systems

Baukulturführer 50
baukulturfuehrer 50
murturm gosdorf
tower at the mur river

projects / atmosphere, by nature, horizon, structure

Arkitektur DK
architektur dk 109
indoor climbing hall bruneck

projects /  in-between, performance, structure

DAM Award
dam award

lectures  exhibitions

Baumeister Cover
baumeister b2
pavoreal model
pavoreal development at pfauengarten

projects / in-between, structure

making of: tower at the mur
making of: tower at the mur

making of / structure

SKI JUMP mountain view
oss ski jump garmisch partenkirchen

projects / atmosphere, horizon, structure

IH Atlas cover
ih atlas
phase 2 werkbundsiedlung
werkbundsiedlung wiesenfeld - 2nd phase

atmosphere, systems

hellabrunn zoo
hellabrunn zoo - orang-utan outdoor enclosure

projects / atmosphere, by nature, oasis, structure

werkbundsiedlung wiesenfeld
werkbundsiedlung wiesenfeld

projects / atmosphere, by nature, climate, islands, oasis, performance, systems

wilhelma model image
the great apes facility at the wilhelma zoo

projects / islands, oasis, structure

buga exhibition pavilion
house ff aufkirchen, germany

projects / horizon

tuev sued testing facility
tuev sued testing facility prototype

projects / infrastructure, performance, structure

bad tölz
garden pavilion bad toelz

projects / atmosphere, by nature, oasis

cultivated fields
cultivated fields - research

projects / infrastructure, performance, systems, climate