Orang-Utan large Outdoor Enclosure and small Outdoor Enclosures for Mandrills, Guenons and Marmosets Monkeys at Hellabrunn Zoo.
Previously occupied by gorillas, from now on the indoor and outdoor enclosures will accommodate the orang-utans of the Hellabrunn Zoo. In course of this alteration, an additional overhead securing of the net constructions becomes necessary. Taking into account the great forces, play instincts and resourcefulness of orang- utans, safety requirements are particularly considered. Furthermore the net structure strives to create a species-appropriate habitat for orang-utans. The design of the supporting structure resembles trees, which accumulate in addition to the net to an image reminding of the rainforest. This structure is complemented by corresponding natural vegetation planted within and at the peripheral areas. In this manner the otherwise necessary climbing facilities are part of the structure. Ropes, Ladders and suspended nets for hanging and swinging are attached to the artificial trees. Entering showcases visitors gain access right up to the 3m glass wall. Following these principles two outdoor enclosures for mandrills, marmosets and guenons were constructed. In these cases the artificial trees also fulfil the task of tensioning the net structures.
SITE: Munich, Germany
YEAR: 2005 - 2006
PROJECTNUMBER: 33 Freigehege Affenstation
CLIENT: Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn AG
DESIGN: terrain: loenhart & mayr BDA Architects and Landscape Architects
STRUCTURAL ENGENEERING: Mayr / Ludescher / Partner, Advisory Engineers, Munich