idea lab


think it anew: everything starts with sharing an idea…

We are convinced that our planetary environmental challenges of climate and food become the instigator for societal and ecological innovation. Our idea lab acknowledges the integral and investigative nature of our innovation process.

With generating innovation by sharing ideas, engaging in scientific research and academic inquiry, our curiosity for societal upgrade and environmental innovation merges in multiple dimensions.

We listen, we distill­ – connecting ideas for living projects. Here, people, natural systems and smart technology meet. Clients, designers, engineers, physicists, biologists, and social entrepreneurs are all welcome to share.


dasein ist co-design

idea lab / academic / lectures exhibitions

concept open dubai pavilion

open - dubai pavilion

making of /  atmosphere, by nature, climate, oasis

olympic village munich isometric

olympic village munich

projects / atmosphere,  climate


climatecture - micro climates for macro change

academic / atmosphere, by nature, in-between, performance, systems


terrain @unhabitat 

academic / performance


arch+ - out of balance

academic / systems

academic / systems

academic / systems

academic / systems

academic / systems



projects / atmosphere, by nature, climate, systems

united nations fao - world earth day feature

academic / climate, in-between. performance

soziale waerme model photo

ideas competition "soziale waerme" - winning scheme

academic / atmosphere, by nature, performance, systems

sanya zero energy plan

zero energy sanya, china

projects / islands, oasis, systems

cultivated fields

cultivated fields - research

academic / projects / climate, performance, systems