making of: gruene erde - new headquarters 

sneak preview - first impressions

Take a look at the construction site of the new headquarters of GRUENE ERDE GmbH .

gruene erde photo
gruene erde photo
Grüne erde site phoeo
gruene erde photo
gruene erde photo
Grüne erde front page
Grüne erde sit photo
Grüne erde facade mirrow
Grüne erde site phoeo
Grüne erde sit photo wodden
Grüne Erde Construction
Grüne Erde courtyards
Grüne erde sit photo courtyard
Grüne erde material
Grüne Erde
Grüne erde site photo
Grüne erde site photo under construction
Grüne erde site photo wodden structure
Grüne erde site photo wodden structure

Look towards one possible future: It’s petroleum free, socially fair and ecologically sound. GRUENE ERDE has specialized on designing and producing products that are driven by a most ecological, sustainable thinking and business practice – all that with a close look on socially fair trading and material chains of re-growing ressources. Our design aims to act within these given premises — this is about living and connecting to fellow humans and to our environment — to rethink given standards in design, material use, building and energy usage of large structures. How can we think it together?

SITE: Almtal, Upper Austria, AT
YEAR: 2015 – 2020 phase 1   (phase 2 ongoing)
CLIENT: Grüne Erde GmbH, Scharnstein, AT

Explore Gruene Erde Breathing Headquarters   here