tower at the mur river 

For the ecological system "Green Belt Europe", an architectural sign is been setted within the municipality of the Styrian town Gosdorf. 

murturm view
site map
murturm central
murturm detail
murturm detail walking
murturm from afar

Currently the area of the river Mur is going to be partially renaturated in order of the Department 19B / Department for Ecology of Watercourses and Maintenance of the Styrian government. On the way along the Mur walkers and cyclists are lead through different adventure stations. All senses are here appealed: Arriving at the Mur tower across the fragrant plantations along the embankment, provides a straight view over the changing riverscape. 

Structure: The sculptural structure with its tricky tectonics is following the principles of a double-helix. On top, a visitors platform is resting 27 meters above the ground overlooking the nature reserve to allow scientific monitoring as well as visual access to the river renaturation project. The initial structure is part of the larger scheme for the MUR NATURE RESERVE, designed by terrain.

SITE: Gosdorf, Austria
YEAR: 2007 - 2009
STATUS: Completed
CLIENT: City of Gosdorf
DESIGN: terrain: loenhart & mayr BDA Architects and Landscape Architects
ENGENEERING: OSD - Office for Structural Design